The IKEA Purchasing Systems Operational Support is a solution that supports access request management for supplier users

June 2021 - July 2021

SCD - Supply Chain Development

UX Designer

About this project

The main goal of IPSOS is to grant and manage access to various IKEA platforms and tools to suppliers. The access to these solutions and information is vital for suppliers to access IKEA business data and demands for resources or supplies.

In 2021, the solution owners of IPSOS identified the business need to rebuild the solution from scratch, using a new run environment build on latest technology

From a user experience perspective, the solutions owners had received feedback that the user flow was unnecessary difficult and complex for its primary tasks to manage and grant access to other tools. Moreover, the user interface design seemed outdated and needed an update according to IKEA’s branding and design guidelines.

My main deliverables as the involved UX Designer in the team was defining and designing the new information architecture, user flows and re-designing the interface.


1. Understand the users

  • Who will be using the product?

  • What are they going to do?

  • What do they want to achieve

2. Audit the existing solution

  • Identify different levels of hierarchy

  • Collect all existing user flows, interactions and categorise them

3. Visualise the architecture

  • Lo-fi overview of new platform architecture including different levels of hierarchy, interactions and content

4. Design navigation system & user flows

  • Define and establish all possible user pathways and linking 

5. Prototype

  • Prototype user flow and apply IKEA’s design system components

6. Validate

  • Moderated testing with selected users to validate the new user flow

The solution

During the mapping process it became clear that the old information architecture was built on three individual main user flows for the different main user groups:

  • IKEA Business Developers and Managers

  • Supplier admin users

  • Supplier users

The new structure incorporates the commonalities and interactions that all user groups have in common which significantly reduced the complexity of the solution.

By focusing on commonalities rather than differences, about 75% of the new experience is the same for all users of IPSOS.

(Due to a non-disclosure agreement I am unable to display my deliverables from this project.)


IKEA Editorial Research

